
I'm just a dreamer, I dream my life away

Tegu lihtsalt ühe huvitava (ja armsa) tähelepanekuga.

Ma ei ole üldse kasvanud. :( Mitte mingis suunas... *nõme* Vererõhk on ka normaalseks hakanud, raisk. :p
Arst oli täielik pervar. Ta esitas kummalisi küsimusi ja oli muidu imelik. Halvas mõttes.

Elu on ilus. :)

Homme on 3 tundi. :p
Homme on nii vähe teha. Homme on varsti käes...

Päev mis iial ei läe looja,
päev mis ööl ei luba tulla,
päev kui tõega elu tooja,
silmapiiril paistma jääb...

1 kommentaari:

Children also in the dream apap often signify the genitals, as men and women are in the habit of fondly referring to their genital organ as their little one.. But from the moment that the effexor suppressed thoughts are powerfully occupied by the unconscious wish-feeling and abandoned by the foreconscious occupation, they succumb to the primary psychic process and strive only for motor discharge; or, if the path be free, for hallucinatory revival of the desired perception identity.. He did not seem to grow old, and he was one septra of those who never appear to have been very young...


